Tuesday, March 22, 2011

7th Talk: Dr. Tim Wallace - Who Owns Your Heritage?

The seventh TEDxNCSU talk is Dr. Tim Wallace on Who Owns Your Heritage?

Starts with "what is heritage?" Is it building, religious customs, or art and culture. He argues that it is more. That it is practices and habits. Heritage is something that is always being redefined. Heritage is how we perform and remember things today. He's talking about Old Salem. The original Krispy Creme was apparently torn down to build 1800's era historical building.

Culture and heritage are intimately linked. Being a Phillies fan is a deep part of him, as is spending time with his granddaughter. Does it actually matter who owns our heritage? Yes, it does. He collects "face" pots, and shows one from South Carolina and asks who owns that heritage?

Heritage is a dialogue and a process. We can lose our heritage and we can claim the heritage of others.

What good is heritage?

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